A eclipse means the partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated observer of one celestial body by another or the period of time during winch such an obscuration occurs.In another words, eclipse is an interception or obscuration of the light of the sun,moon or other planet body, by the intervention of some other body, either between it and the eye or between the luminous body and illuminated by it.There may be especially two types of eclipse, they are lunar eclipse and solar eclipse.A lunar eclipse is caused by the moon passing through the earth's shadow and solar eclipse is caused by the moon coming between the sun and observer.The obscuration of planet or star by the moon pr a planet, though of the nature of an eclipse is called a oocultation.Similarly the eclipse of small portion of the sun by Mercury or Venus is called a transit of the planet.
There will be total 6 eclipses in the 2011.Four partial solar eclipse and two lunar eclipse will take place in the year 2011.Every year minimum two and maximum 5 solar eclipses take place whereas not over two can be total eclipses.As mentioned above four solar and two lunar eclipses take place which is very add as it is 4:2 grouping in only one year.In the 21 first century only 6 cases with 4:2 combination of the solar and lunar eclipses will occur in 2011,2029,2047,2065,2076 and 2094.First of all i am going to describe about the solar eclipse.
Solar Eclipses of the 2011:Partial Solar Eclipse of the January 04.This is the first solar eclipse
of 2011 which occurs at the Moon's ascending node in the eastern Sagittarius.This partial solar eclipse will be visible from much of the Europe, North Africa and central Asia.The penumbra shadow first touches Earth's surface in northern Algeria at 6:40:11 UT and the shadow moves east, Western Europe will be treated to a partial eclipse.From the European cities like Madrid,Paris,London and Copenhagen, the eclipse magnitude will give early morning rises as excellent opportunities for the photographer.
The greatest eclipse occurs at 8:50:35 in northern Sweden with the magnitude of 0.858.At the same time Moon's shadow's axis will pass a mere 510 km above Earth's surface.A sunset will be visible from the central Russia,Kazakhstan,Mongolia and northern China and partial eclipse ends when the penumbra leaves Earth at 11:00:54 TU.
Partial Solar Eclipse of the Jun 01.The next partial solar eclipse will occur when the center of the Moon shadow misses the earth and it is visible in the polar region of the Earth.This eclipse starts at sunrise in Serbia and northern China where the penumbra shadow first touches Earth at 19:25:18Tu.After the tow hours the greatest eclipse occurs at 21:16:11TU with magnitude of 0.601 which will be visible from the arctic coast of western Serbia.The partial eclipse will be visible from the Alaska and the northern Canada, the southern limit of penumbra falls along a curve from South of Fairbanks to central New Brunswick and Novascotia.The eclipses with 0.462 magnitude will be visible in the Reykjavik,Iceland just before the sunset.The partial eclipse ends at 23:06:56UT when the penumbra leaves Earth just north of Newfoundland in the Atlantic Ocean.
Partial Solar Eclipse of July 01:
Just after the one month of the second partial solar eclipse the third partial solar eclipse take place which is visible over small area of the coast of Antarctica.This eclipse take place at the Moon's descending node in western Gemini.This is the first solar eclipse of Saros cycle 156 an eclipse cycle with nearly 6585.3213 days.It starts at 19:25:18UT and end 23:06%^ UT and the utmost eclipse, will arise at 8:39:30 UT with a magnitude of 0.096 at latitude 65degree09.5' longitude+28degrer38.9'
Partial Solar Eclipse of November 25:This is the fourth and final solar partial eclipse of the year 2011.This eclipse occurs at the Moon's ascending node in western Scorpius.This will be visible from the high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere and Southern South Africa,Antarctica, Tasmania and most of New Zea land.This eclipse begins at 4:23:14UT and ends at 8:17:16 UT. The full eclipse will appear at 6:21:24UT with magnitude of 0.096 near the coast of Antarctica at latitude -68degree34.1',longitude+82degree24'.
So these are the four partial solar eclipse of the year 2011. Now the following are the two lunar eclipses of the 2011.
Total Lunar Eclipse of June 15:
This is the first lunar ellipse of the year 2011 which occurs at the moon's ascending node in southern Ophiuchus about 7degree west of the Lagoon Nebula.The Moon passes through the Earth's umbral shadow during this rather than long event.The total phase will last around 100 minute.The Moon's contact times with Earth's umbral and penumbral shadows are-penumbral eclipse starts at 17:24:34Ut,partial eclipse starts at 18:22:56 UT, total eclipse begins at 19:22:30 UT, greater eclipse starts at 20:22:37 UT, total eclipse ends at 21:02:42 UT, partial eclipse ends at 22:02:15 UT and penumbral eclipse ends at 23:00:45UT.The umbral magnitude will be 1.6998 at the instant of the greatest eclipse as the Moon's center passes within 5.3 arc-minutes of the shadow axis.The Moon's southern limb will be 32.8 arc-minutes from the edge of the umbra while the northern limb will be 22.3 arc-minutes from the umbra's edge.Therefore the northern side of the Moon than the southern regions that lie deeper in the shadow.It is really difficult to estimate the exact brightness distributions in the umbra so the observers are encouraged to estimate the Danjon value at the different times during the totality.This eclipse is visible from South America,Western Africa.In western Asia, Australia and the Philippines the lunar eclipse will appear just before the sunrise.
Total Lunar Eclipse of December 10:This is the last eclipse of the year 2011 or total lunar eclipse which take place at the Moon's descending node in the eastern Taurus,four days after apogee.in it the Moon's orbital trajectory takes it through he southern half of Earth's umbral shadow.This lunar eclipse lasts 51 minutes although the eclipse is not central.The timing of the major eclipses phases are,penumbral eclipse begins at 11:33:32UT, partial eclipse starts at 12:45:42UT,total eclipse

starts at14:06:16,greatest eclipse starts at14:31:49UT,total eclipse ends at14:57:24UT,partial eclipse ends at16:17:58UT and penumbral eclipse ends at 17:30:00UT.At the instant of the greatest eclipse, the Moon lies at the zenith in the pacific ocean near gaum and the northern Mariana Islands.When the Moon's center passes 21.4 arc-minutes south of the shadow axis, the umbral eclipse magnitude reach at 1.1061.The Moon;s northern limb is 6.4 arc-minutes south of the shadow axis and 33.3arc-minutes from the umbra's edge.The northern half of the Moon will appear much darker that the southern half because of the Moon's southern limb lays 36.5 arc-minutes from the shadow center and 3.2 arc-minutes from the southern edge of the umbra,in contrast.because of the Moon;s samples a large range of umbral depth during totality its appearance will change with time.This eclipse event can be seen from Asia and Australia.But for the northern American the eclipse is in the progress when the Moon sets with western observers favored by a larger fraction of the eclipse before moon set.Since the early eclipse phase occur before moon rise the observer may miss this phase throughout the Europe and Africa.