Organizing is a continuous managerial process.It includes the following four stages.
- Division of work:Allocating works in such a way that an employee or group employees can perform the works comfortably, logically and satisfactorily is called division of works. Division of works makes a total work smaller, simpler and separate. This brings specialization in works and increase productivity. How does division of work specialization in function? After division of works
necessary authority as well as responsibility is also delegated to individual or group. If one performs only one type of works taking authority and responsibility, it makes him experienced, efficient and creative. Skilled person gets specialization in his work. How does division of work enhance in productivity? Division of work simplifies works. Employees acquire experience and skill. They can accomplish work relatively in short time. So it increases productivity also. So a manager should make division of works on the basis of nature of the woks and should hand over to individuals or group according to their ability and skill.
- Departmentalization:The task of grouping the activities of an organization is called departmentalization. The activities should be departmentalized wisely and skilfully.After the grouping of activities it is arranged in organizational structure. Works can be departmentalized on different basis. Function, product, area, customers, process, time etc. are the main basis of departmentalization. In Nepal it becomes better to departmentalize it on the basis of five development region. So it becomes better for the provident fund office to departmentalize its functions as Eastern Region,Central Region,Western Region,Md-Western Region and Far- Western Region. A manager should give special importance to departmentalization while in organizing. Departmentalization means classifying the total function of organization and handing over to able employee for performance.One type of functions that is suitable for one department should go to unlike department. Suppose, if there are purchase department, production department, account department and personnel department, the responsibility for employee recruitment should been made in the related topic in this chapter.
- Hierarchy:The third stage of organizing is to determine hierarchy. This makes clear about who to order whom and who to obey or who to request whom. Top level manager gives orders to mid level managers and mid level gives order to lower managers and the lower manager gives order to their subordinates to perform works. Request goes from lower to higher level whereas order goes to lower level from higher. Many levels in an organization make the hierarchy tall whereas a few levels make it short.
- Co-ordination:The task of bringing uniformity and harmony in organizational function is called co-ordination. Uniformity in operation, cooperation, knowledge of goal to be achieved and information are the important elements of co-ordination.This is called the essence of management. This plays vital role in achievement of organizational goal.All level manager bear the responsibility for bringing co-ordination in the operation of their organization. So all the manger should be conscious about it. If co-ordination is effective, uniformity in operation appears cost becomes effective, a sense of mutual cooperation develops in employees etc.An organization can reap such benefits from co-ordination.
you made good points on work specialization
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